I would like to send you feedback

You can help us make the Pellenzer even better! Just give us feedback here. It will take you about 10 minutes to fill out the entire questionnaire. In return, you will (if you wish) take part in a free ticket raffle for the next Pellenzer: simply fill out this form!

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I want to promote my company

You are a company or an organizer and would like to draw attention to yourself with the Pellenzer? We mainly offer advertising platforms in our program booklet. A print run of 1,000 copies in DIN A5 format will be displayed free of charge at the entrances. If you are interested, please send us an email to werbung@pellenzer.de

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I would like to apply to be a stand owner

Do you have a stall and want to take it to the Pellenzer? Describe to us what you do and attach a few pictures of your goods and your stand. Please send the whole thing to staendlerwerbung@pellenzer.de We are limited in the number of our stands in the “Food” and “Non-Food” categories. So don't be angry with us if...

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I would like to apply with my band

Very good! However, we receive countless applications from bands. To give us a better overview, simply fill out this form. If we are interested in you or your band, we will contact you. Click the button below to load the content from docs.google.com. load content

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Can I drive to the campsite by car?

Yes, but only until the Pellenzer officially opens its doors; that's Friday at 5 p.m. To unload, you can drive through Mühlenstraße to the campsite beforehand. But drive out again with your vehicle as quickly as possible and look for a parking space outside our premises. How do you find your way to the campsite,…

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Program booklet 2019

40th Pellenzer Open Air Festival 15th - 17th August 2025 Get your tickets now! Program Prices Camping Arrival Program Prices Camping Arrival facebook instagram tiktok Spotify Youtube Program booklet 36th Pellenzer Open Air Festival Circulation: 1,000 Design/Layout: Schöni Booklet texts: Claudi Info Info FaQ We write the most frequently asked questions here with the corresponding answers on the festival code of conduct...

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40th Pellenzer Open Air Festival 15th - 17th August 2025 Get your tickets now! Program Prices Camping Arrival Program Prices Camping Arrival facebook instagram tiktok Spotify Youtube Memories 39th 38th 37th 36th 35th 34th 33rd 32ndProgram bookletsVideosPhotos Review 36th Pellenzer Open Air Festival Program booklet 2019 31st December 2019 36th Pellenzer Photos Program The Limpets Dornenkönig Christoph…

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