FaQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about arrival

Questions about the campground & campsite

Questions about the festival site

Admission questions

Other questions

Ask a Question
How may we call you?
Give us your email address if we have any questions about your request.
Write your question in detail.

A notice: There were technical problems sending questions to us. These problems have been resolved.
If you have asked a question in the past and have not received an answer, or cannot find the answer here, please fill out the request again.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
We are constantly working to improve our service.

Thank you for your understanding and patience!


Here we list the most frequently asked questions with the appropriate answers

festival code

Our general rules of conduct


Looking back at past Pellenzers

Support & Application

Here you can share yourself or your opinion with us - or support us in some way

The Pellenzer team

We introduce our crew

environmental sustainability

What we do to show responsibility


Here we list the most frequently asked questions with the appropriate answers

festival code

Our general rules of conduct


Looking back at past Pellenzers

Support & Application

Here you can share yourself or your opinion with us - or support us in some way

The Pellenzer team

We introduce our crew

environmental sustainability

What we do to show responsibility